13 december 2022

Denis Mukwege till Stockholm 8 januari 2023

Möt Denis Mukwege, läkaren som med fara för sitt eget liv under decennier arbetat för kvinnor som utsatts för sexuellt våld i Demokratiska republiken Kongo.

Datum: 8 januari klockan 14-15.30

Plats: Storkyrkan i Gamla stan, Stockholm

Biljett: Köp biljett här för 150 kronor.

Läkarmissionen har stöttat Panzisjukhuset sedan starten, och bidrar i dag förutom till doktor Mukweges arbete bland annat till driften av sjukhuset, nutrition av undernärda barn, säkra förlossningar och familjeplanering.

I Storkyrkan i Gamla stan leder Maria Bard från Läkarmissionen ett samtal, där Mukwege berättar om arbetet vid Panzi-sjukhuset, där tusentals kvinnor fått hjälp att överleva och bygga upp sina liv igen efter att ha utsatts för ohyggliga övergrepp. Samtalet präglas av den imponerande kraft som dessa kvinnor inkarnerar.

Doktor Mukweges holistiska arbetsmetoder har inspirerat flera andra initiativ världen över. Denis Mukwege har tilldelats EU-parlamentets Sacharovpris för mänskliga rättigheter och grundläggande friheter. Tillsammans med människorättsaktivisten och överlevaren av sexuellt våld Nadia Murad tilldelades han 2018 Nobels fredspris.

11 november 2022

Women as investors and developers of digital health and welfare technologies to address societal challenges

Welcome to a webinar on Thursday 1 December 2022. The topic is women as investors and developers of digital health and welfare technologies to address societal challenges. How best can academic researchers contribute?


Läkarmissionen in collaboration with PREVIVE research group @ Mälardalen University



Digital health and welfare technologies include categories such as mobile health (mHealth), health information technology (IT), wearable devices, telehealth and telemedicine, and personalized health with AI. The intention of these technologies is to improve health, wellbeing quality of life, independence, and safety, while improving working conditions for workers and increasing efficiency in health and welfare systems.

The work force in health and welfare systems has been dominated by women globally for decades, and thus women do have substantial insights regarding challenges and possible solutions in those systems. With rapid technologic development, women are slowly taking an active part as investors and developers of digital health and welfare technologies.

According to the recent estimates, global women's digital health market size is expected to reach $4.7 billion by 2027, rising at a market growth of 18.5%.

The question is, what opportunities and challenges women face as investors and developers of digital health and welfare technologies? How address gender equity? How can academic research contribute to solve these challenges?


In this webinar we will discuss the following:

  • What are the opportunities and challenges for women to drive health innovations and accelerate the marketing and use of digital health and welfare technologies
  • How can these technologies improve inclusion and participation of women in global health?
  • How can international networks be established to empower women as investors and developers of digital health and welfare technologies?
  • How address gender equity related to digital health and welfare technologies?
  • How can academic research contribute?


The following speakers and panelists will help us answer these questions during the seminar:

Invited speakers:

  • Dr. Nasim Farrokhnia, VP, Health Care Executive, Microsoft Western Europe. Opportunities and challenges for women to drive health innovations in the global med tech industry.
  • Dr. Josephine Sundqvist, Secretary-General. Läkarmissionen/ LM International. Opportunities and challenges for digital health and welfare technologies for women´s inclusion and participation in global health.

Participants in panel discussion:

  • Caroline A Figueroa, MD, PhD., Assistant Professor in Digital Health at the Technical University in Delft, the Netherlands.
  • Diane Nevin, CEO & Programme Director Grit International Female Accelerator, Ireland.
  • Marie Öberg Lindevall, COB and Co-Founder Mäta Health, Sweden.
  • Sunjoy Mathieu, Founder & President. Women in Digital Health, Switzerland.


  • Sarah Wamala Andersson, Professor of Health and Welfare Technology, MDU.

Register for the webinar